Get Back Together With Your Ex After You Have Been Dumped

If you have been dumped recently, then you know how hard going through a break up can be. There’s one thing for sure, nobody likes to be dumped. The feelings of sadness, anger, confusion and guilt all leave their mark on you in one way or another. In spite of all that, you still want to get back together with your ex. The main thing to keep in mind is that the overwhelming majority of all relationships can be saved…if you follow the right plan and are willing to do what needs to be done.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, break ups suck! However, there may be some subtle differences in how you’re programmed to deal with the situation. For example, men tend to keep their feelings to themselves, and this isn’t healthy. On the other hand, women are more likely to share all of their emotions, sometimes not reigning them in when appropriate. Again, these are only generalities, and everybody is different. However, that’s the point: we’re all different.

Why is being different important? Because not every method for getting back an ex will work for everybody. Therefore, while these tips have been proven to work time and time again, you need to consider how they will work for you and your specific situation. Remember, there are plenty of resources to help you patch things up, so you should feel free to keep trying until you find one that clicks for you.

The first step toward getting your ex back is to agree with the break up. That’s right. This will completely disarm your soon to be ex, and they probably won’t know what to say. The break up may still happen, but you will prevent a bad situation from getting worse. The other benefit of saying the break up is the right thing for now is that it leaves the door open for the possibility of getting back together in the future. If you have already broken up, then send your ex a handwritten letter saying you agree the break up is the best thing for the two of you at this point.

Once you let them know you agree with breaking up, you have to break off all contact with your ex. That means no bumping into them “accidentally”, no telephone calls, no emails or text messages, and no relaying things through mutual friends. You both need some alone time to sort through what has happened. Neither one of you can think clearly if one of you is bothering the other.

After enough time has passed you can get in touch with your ex again. The purpose of this first contact is to set up a meeting where the two if you can talk in person. This is not a date, so don’t get any ideas of rekindling your romance (not yet, anyway). Keep this conversation low-key. You don’t want to get into any arguments, you want to get back together with your ex. If all goes well, your ex will agree to meet you again, and again…and when that happens you will have a really good chance of working things out.

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